Thursday, May 30, 2013

TurboFire Mommy Transformation

Libby results

A majority of the clients that I work with are busy moms that are lacking two things when it comes to working out and eating healthy. These two things are TIME and MOTIVATION. I love TurboFire for the fact that so far all of my clients LOVE the program and visible results are achievable in a short amount of time. I also love the fact that TurboFire can be modified to fit the schedule of a busy mom. So, if you only have 15 minutes in the morning and need to get a workout in, you can reach for HIIT 15 and burn a ton of calories in just 15 minutes. You know what this means? No excuses!!! If you want to lose the baby weight bad enough, time and motivation is no longer an excuse! Here is a success story to motivate you. Libby lost 8 pounds and 9 inches overall (5 of which were off her waist) in 30 DAYS!  Super exciting especially after just having her second baby!!! Here is what Libby has to say about her experience with TurboFire.

I have a passion for fitness and always have, but when I got pregnant with my first son I started feeling like it was a losing battle. I battled Hyperemesis Gravidarum for the first half of the pregnancy and lost quite a bit of weight after not being able to eat anything or drink anything. Once the HG went away my appetite came back with a vengeance! I not only gained back every pound I lost, but I also gained 40 more on top of that. I tried on my own for over a year to lose the 40 pounds I gained, and eventually was successful, except for the last 10 pounds (which would not come off no matter what I did). I finally was introduced to P90X and in 30 days was able to lose the weight and finally feel good about myself again. Shortly after that we decided to have another baby... I battled HG again, but this time worse! Once I was able to eat again I was determined to not gain as much as my last pregnancy, so I ate very healthy and clean throughout the remainder of my pregnancy. The clean eating helped so much in terms of my weight gain. After my 2nd son was born I wanted to get back to my old self again much faster than last time. I was determined to feel confident in a bikini before summer, so I decided to try Turbo Fire. This time I was able to lose all of my baby weight (plus a few extra pounds) in 30 days! My youngest son was only 3 1/2 months old and I was already back to feeling like my old confident self! I never thought that was possible in such a short time after having a baby, but I am proof that it is possible! I'm not going to say it was easy, because it wasn't, but it was definitely worth it! If you want the results bad enough and are willing to put in the effort, Turbo Fire will get you there! I have tried so many different workout programs, but Turbo Fire is, by far, my FAVORITE! It is upbeat and fun, and that is exactly what i look for in a workout program. I am so passionate about Beachbody products, because I know from personal experience that they work! The best part is that most of the workouts are short enough that i can fit them in at home while still juggling being an Army wife and a mom to a 2 year old and a new baby. My youngest son still wakes up at night every few hours, so I struggle to find the energy sometimes during the day, but I feel so much better on the days I do my workouts and drink my Shakeology! Now that I am living a healthy, fit lifestyle I know that I am able to be the best Mom I can be for my boys.

If you are tired of making excuses and are truly READY for change, ready to start something that you can ENJOY, and ready to lose weight the right way, don't let your excuses get in the way of you finally feeling great about YOURSELF!

On June 10th I am kicking off the TURBOMOM challenge. My goal is to help busy moms overcome excuses and finally regain their pre-baby bodies. Through this process, you will learn new strategies for identifying your priorities and managing your time, and learn how to start living a healthier lifestyle for yourself and your children. This includes learning how to plan and prepare healthy meals for you and your children. This is not a contest. Instead, it is a group to support you, hold you accountable, and a safe place to share your struggles and success. This will be a 60 Day group and I am looking for busy moms who are truly ready for change. We will figure out how to make this work for you regardless of your crazy schedule.

To join my challenge group, contact me at or click the link below to sign up for my free membership and I will contact you!

Jess <3


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