Thursday, August 9, 2012

Will I Ever Lose Weight?

Feeling frustrated and out of control? Are you continually asking yourself this question?

I have asked myself this question SO MANY TIMES! Six to 10 years ago, working out once a month let alone daily was COMPLETELY unheard of! In fact, on most days, it didn't even cross my mind. I don't ever remember thinking about wanting to work out or eat healthy. What I do remember is living to eat large, unhealthy portions of food almost daily, having an extra 20-30 lbs. to lose, feeling depressed and uncomfortable in my own skin, and having NO CLUE as to why the weight that I gained during pregnancy would not come off! I didn't want to be that heavy. I wanted to fit back into my size 7 jeans, but I just DIDN'T KNOW HOW! I would dabble in making small changes such as taking a kickboxing class, trying to go for a jog once a year, and maybe even doing a few crunches. 

Years passed, I got married, and I started to have a desire to feel and look better. I started to learn that working out could be fun! I met a personal trainer that totally inspired me. She taught me that I really shouldn't devour a huge bean and cheese burrito from 9 Beans after a workout and expect to see results. I still really didn't understand why and didn't really change. Over time, I learned that it is totally possible to change your body and feel amazing again by changing the way you view working out and eating healthy.

Here are some tips to help you get started!

1.)  Take 2 minutes. Close your eyes and think about the way that you feel about yourself, your body, and your life. What are you happy and content with, and what do you want to change? Grab a pen and turn those things that you want to change and put them on paper into goals.

2.)  Think about what is holding you back from getting healthy and fit? Is it time, money, or simply lack of motivation?

3.)  Think about why you want something different. Are you tired of feeling tired? Are you wanting to be able to run and play with your kiddos? Are you wanting to live a longer life? 

4.)  Commit!! If your "why" is strong enough, you will realize that it's time to stop talking about wanting to start and just go! Educate yourself and take ownership of your goals.

5.)  Reach out to for support! You don't have to figure our where to start on your own. There are many resources out there right at your fingertips. Find a support group, a personal trainer, a coach, or a friend that is into health and fitness to help you get started. You don't have to do this alone!

6.)  Find a SUCCESS PARTNER, someone that you know who has decided to start living a healthy lifestyle. Communicate your goals to this person. Recently, my husband decided to start making healthier choices. It has been amazing to have him be my success partner! We push each other during our workouts and help each other make positive choices. A success partner can help make this process fun. Surround yourself with people that will support you rather than bring you down.
Know that you CAN do this!