Saturday, January 12, 2013

January Internship


 I am an Independent Team Beachbody coach! This opportunity has truly changed my life. I was able to make the transition from a full-time job that was not bringing out the best in me, to a full-time stay at home mom/fitness coach. Words cannot express what this change has done for my personal happiness and the happiness of my family. I no longer come home from work crying out of frustration that comes with managing an organization and I no longer have to feel unappreciated in the work place. I am NOW surrounded by the most uplifting, positive group of leaders that support me 100% in all of my endeavors. I am NOW able to earn a great income by living a healthy and fit lifestyle and empowering others to do the same.

JANUARY INTERNSHIP I will be hand-selecting and personally mentoring 5 individuals in a small group setting, one-on-one, and through the Internet. During the first three months, I will teach you everything that I know about this business. However, it will be UP TO YOU to take the initiative to WORK, apply the knowledge, and build your business. I am looking for motivated individuals that have a love for health and fitness, have a true desire to help and support others, and will dedicate at least 10 hours a week to this internship. If you believe that YOU have what it takes and are looking for something that both challenges you as a leader, while at the same time, gives you the ability to change lives and create the life of your dreams...