Sunday, November 13, 2011

Power of Positive

When you begin to take your first steps toward achieving your health and fitness goals, you often come across people that are not supportive, pessimistic about your goals, or who simply try to derail your progress. Often times these people are the people closest to you. Husbands, friends, close family members, or co-workers. It is extremely important to be able to identify these people. These will be the people that comment on what your eating constantly, encourage you to do other things besides working out, and those people that taunt you with food on a continual basis. Once you have identified these people, you can decide whether or not they are worth keeping in your life. If you choose, or must keep them in your life, you can try a variety of strategies to put an end to their behavior.

1.)     Talk to them! Let them know how it makes you feel when they..........
2.)     Respond to negatives with a positive.
3.)     Let them know how good you feel when you workout and how much you enjoy it.
4.)     Try not to complain about working out or eating healthy in front of them.
5.)     If all else fails, ignore the negative!

It is extremely powerful to begin to surround yourself with positive people that have similar goals. Most of us have at least one person in our lives that are committed to eating better, working out, or simply support us in all aspects of our lives. I am extremely blessed to have so many positive influences in my life right now. I have friends that are committed to living healthier, I have my training team, and my wonderful new Beachbody support team. My challenge teams are also a great support for me. It is so powerful to know that I am a model for my team members and that I need to set a positive example. It is these influences that help keep me going and continually remind me that health and fitness is more important than enjoying ice cream every night!

However, there was a point in my life when I would not know where to find support. I am sure that there are many of you out there that simply don't know where to start in finding people with similar goals to associate with. Luckily, one of your best resources is right in front of you! The Internet is a great resource! Find a group or a person to keep you accountable and support you in every aspect of your journey!

Here is an awesome article on  support groups. Check it out! Until next time :)

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