Monday, September 3, 2012

I don't have time!

This if by far one of the most common excuses used! I've heard it hundreds of times, heck I've even used it myself. Sorry to tell you, it still doesn’t hold water. If your health and fitness is important to you, you CAN make it a priority. 
If this sounds all too familiar to you, then it’s time to review your daily priority list. Get out a piece of paper and a pen and create your to-do list that you will start tomorrow. Think carefully about the way that you spend your time. Remember that each minute of every day is valuable. You will never get time back. Exercise is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family to ensure that you live a long, full, disease-free life. If you feel that getting healthy and fit is too expensive and too time consuming, think about the expenses and time that will be consumed when you are fighting disease. Our children are now struggling with illnesses that are 100% preventable by making healthy choices. Sad but true :(

Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, TV, Video games...need I say more?

Take a minute to really reflect on the amount of time that you spend on these time suckers each day and honestly answer these questions. Could you reduce that time by 15 minutes a day?
Can you get up 15-60 minutes earlier?
Do you have a little down time when your baby is sleeping?
Can you stay up just a little later?

If your answers to any of these questions were yes...then you CAN MAKE TIME TO WORKOUT!


Here are some ideas...

Make workout time a family affair! Kids love to be active! Ask them to choose an activity that they will enjoy that will also help you get your workout in for the day. There are endless options to choose from. Some could include swimming, bike riding, frisbee, walking, and playing basketball. A great idea that I heard awhile back is to have your children act as your personal trainer. Let them know that you will follow their lead and go! It's amazing what a workout they can give you by simply running around the house!

Join a local team to play a sport that you love. I know lots of people that stay active by playing on local leagues.

Go to the gym! Most gyms offer a variety of classes that can meet the needs and interests of most people.

Hate the thought of going to the gym? Workout at home! There are many programs available that can get you looking great in no time right in the comfort of your own home!

Whatever you decide to do, commit and GO!  Make this week count!  Jess <3

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