Monday, November 5, 2012

Beachbody Programs

The key to your success as you start and progress through your fitness journey will be finding your SOULMATE workout. Chalene Johnson, one of Beachbody's amazing trainers, describes in her PUSH book how to identify your soul mate workout. My FREE-E-GUIDE that I'm creating, will walk you through this process and give you an idea of where to start with your journey. Here are my personal favs when it comes to Beachbody Home Workout programs.


Les Mills Pump

Have you ever heard of the Body Pump class that offered in gyms across the country? Well guess what? You can do Les Mills Pump right in the comfort of your own home!! I just started this workout program and I absolutely LOVE it! It came with everything that I need to get a kick butt workout right in front of the TV. The program came in a huge box that I could barely lift off of my doorstep and carry downstairs. The box included a barbell with 4 weights. Two 5 lb. weights and two 10 lb. weights. It also included the packet of DVD's, a program guide, and a nutrition guide. I started pump right away. My first impression with the first workout, Pump Challenge, was not great. I was expecting it to be a little more difficult. It was only about 20 minutes long. However, the next week Pump Challenge turned into a longer workout called Pump and Burn. I decided to push myself a little more and add a bit more weight. WOW!! Let me tell you, my legs and booty have never been so sore! I think I did a gazillion squats. However, the program has such awesome music and eye-appeasing trainers that the time went by super fast. I love the fact that my heart rate gets up while I can feel my muscles working at the same time. I am on week 3. My legs, but, back, and arms have all been pretty sore. You can make this a beginner workout by just lifting the bar or adding more weights. LOVE IT!! Definitely my new fav!!

I competed in an NPC Bikini competition last year. I worked out super hard and tried to follow a strict meal plan in the months leading up to the show. Immediately after the show, I totally fell off track. I started eating extremely unhealthy foods, didn't want to workout, and ultimately gained about 15 lbs. and undid all of my hard work. I was in a real SLUMP! After Christmas, I was desperate to do something! I started TurboFire in hopes that something new would help me. After trying TurboFire for the first time, I was hooked. I was literally hopping out of bed at 5:00 a.m. to get my workout in! I had to show a video because I don't think my description would do it justice! If you love cardio kickboxing, fun-upbeat workouts, and want an amazing body, this is for you!!

Brazil Butt Lift

Want to work with a trainer that shapes famous Victoria's Secret Model booties? Brazil Butt Lift trainer, Leanrdo Carvalho, trains many famous supermodels using his Brazil Butt Lift training methods. Now, we're not all supermodels, but who wouldn't want to learn his secrets to firming, lifting, and sculpting your rear? Brazil Butt Lift combines Brazilian dance, sculpting, cardio, and targeted glute training with Leandro's signature moves and TriAngle Training method to lift your butt, slim your hips and thighs, and tone those stubborn mommy trouble zones. I am all for workouts that target these trouble areas! Check out these amazing results!!

Other popular Beachbody programs include:
  • Insanity
  • P90X
  • ChaLEAN Extreme
  • TurboJam
  • 10-Minute Trainer
I hope you enjoyed reading about a few of my favorite Beachbody workouts. If you are ready to lose weight and get in shape, don't wait!


Jessica Sproul
Fitness Coach


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